Sunday, June 1, 2008

Baseball and Backaches

So, I would say the last couple of days around here have been  a 7-year-old boy's dream, and the parents of a 7-year-old's nightmare. I guess only a nightmare if that can happen while you lay wide awake while your air mattress leaks all of its air out and you end up feeling the bumps from all of the pine cones and branches underneath your tent that your Eagle Scout husband said didn't need to be cleared out because, "We have an air mattress, so why does it matter?"  That kind of a nightmare. The kind where you are awake the whole time, but wish you were sleeping.

We went to Cookie Monster's last baseball game of the season on Saturday morning, where Tater Tot ate his first dirt clod (at least to my knowledge). 

Afterwards we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to throw everything into the car to go camping for the night. I am pretty certain the humidity was around 100%, and the bathroom was at least a quarter of a mile away, but it was great, really. No, really.

Cookie Monster had a great time, but even he woke up in the middle of the night because the ground was so lumpy.  The adults got absolutely no sleep. We have been walking zombies all day. My girlfriend LeighAnn, who moved to Nashville last year, came to visit for a couple of days, and probably regrets it about now.

On top of all of that, our Caroline's last day with us was Friday. I am hoping that she will be working with Nosey Posey at school next year, but that's yet to be
determined. We knew she was leaving us for months in advance, but that didn't make me any less sad. AND, I now have to somehow get ready to go to the Bahamas for two weeks without
 her help. I wonder how many things I will forget... What will we ever do without her? WE LOVE YOU CAROLINE!!


Richelle said...

Camping? The WHOLE Walker family? WOW! I hope there are pictures...

Unknown said...

I LOVE YALL MORE!! The picture of Nosey is priceless as well as Tater Tot!! I LOVE YALL so much and I am miss yall tons!!!