Monday, September 8, 2008

The Storms Have Passed...Hopefully!

Well, thankfully, we didn't really get any real wind from Tropical Storm Hanna. We got quite a bit of rain, and we kept waiting on the winds to pick up, but it never happened.  So, all in all, we had a pretty event-less weekend.

An update on Tater Tot's arm...When we took him back to the Pediatric Orthopedist last week, they x-rayed his arm and found 45% of angulation in the break. So, they had to remove his cast, put his arm in traction, reset it, and recast it. He was very tough, but very mad about the whole thing. There is still about 30% of angulation in the break now, but apparently that's acceptable in pediatric ortho. Who knew? They say it will take about 4-6 months to straighten back out. So, we will see what his arm looks like when it comes out of the cast. I hope nothing like it did the other day! It gave me the heeby-jeebies.

So, the x-ray on the left is once the arm is set in the cast, and the picture on the right is the arm before it was set.

So, now Tater has a bright red cast. It doesn't slow him down a bit. Everyone keeps asking if he is using it as a weapon yet, and I have to say--so far, so good.  He has begun to use it quite effectively to climb on things, and even waves with that hand now.

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