Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Well, it has been quite a week! About a week ago, things were going smoothly - that is until Tater Tot woke up from his nap last Wednesday. He was very fussy, but still consolable. I was gone for pretty much the entire time that evening with Cookie to soccer and then to a team meeting. When I got home Jana told me that he had been very fussy all evening. The next morning he woke up with a swollen, misshapen arm. I called Grace to ask if she had any idea what had happened. The best we can figure is that he stuck his arm through the slats of his crib to reach something he had thrown out, but then fell, dislocating his right elbow and breaking his forearm in two places. It was a doozy. He was quite pitiful, but so tough the Doctors said they had never seen a child handle a situation so well. Anyway, we took him down to MUSC, got a cast put on, and hit the road.

So, off we headed that afternoon to Williamsburg, VA for the long weekend to see Chris' family. We had a really good time. We went to historic Williamsburg, to Busch Gardens, and really got to spend some quality time with the family. We don't get to se them that often, so it was great to be with them. Tater finally got to meet his Granny, and he just couldn't get enough of her.  Our family finally got to meet Baby Piper, and what a cutie she is! 

The boys had a great time at Busch Gardens. Cookie is such a good big brother. He helped both of his little brothers on the rides. I couldn't have a prouder mommy! Jana was right in the middle of it all. Chris' family treated her as if she had always been a
 part of the family. It was really neat.

This week it's back to school, aquatic therapy, soccer practice, and Tater is starting Gymboree (if Jana can ever find the place). It is a busy life, and all is well. We go back to the Pediatric Orthopaedist tomorrow to see how Tater Tot's arm is doing. I think he has started to pull the cast off. I wonder what they will do about that. He is such a hand full! 

Of course, as I sit here I hear the weather forecaster talking about four hurricanes that are brewing in the Atlantic. We think there may landfall here on Friday. I am not looking forward to that, to say the least. Keep us in your prayers as we head towards the weekend.


Unknown said...

Can you guys ever have a calm week? I mean, really? So sorry to hear about your little one! I hope he is feeling better and keeps that cast on! Glad you had such a special weekend with the fam.

Melody said...

Never a dull moment in the Walker household!

Nolte said...

I've just read all the Blogs and I'm all caught up. I felt pretty good - the broken arm and school year are the only things I missed. Didn't you love Nashville? Last time we went we came back with Ella!