Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where do I even start?!?

Well, I have put this off long enough. My computer has been a little screwy, so I haven't been able to upload any pictures to it. As  result, I have no new pictures to post. Let's just go ahead and get that straight. That's really the main reason that I haven't posted in so long. I figured nobody would really want to read what I had to say nearly as much as they would want to see the cute pics of the kids that I usually post. SORRY! I am trying...

Anyway, we had a great holiday season. The boys had a really fun break from school. It was very relaxing. Now, however, it is full steam ahead. The grand opening for the store is set for April 9th. Chris is extremely busy at work getting ready for the big day and the many busy days to follow. It was nice to have good quality time over the holidays, though.

Next week is Seminar. We head out to Long Beach, California on Saturday for a week. We had scheduled a trip to Hawaii on the front end of the trip and a trip to Lake Tahoe for snowboarding on the backside. Chris felt like he needed to cancel the trip, though, because the opening date of the store kept getting moved closer and closer. He just really wants to be ready for things. I am sad, but I get it. We will reschedule soon hopefully...

Just plugging along. Tater Tot is talking more and more, and you can even understand him sometimes now. He starts swimming lessons next week in order that he might learn some water safety skills before the summer. No-no is working very hard at school and really enjoying it. Although, at times I have felt differently about this, I really believe that he is well on his way to learning to drink from a straw. He is the happiest child, and I really feel lucky to be his mommy. And Cookie... let's see, he played his best basketball game ever last Saturday. He can now drop in on the skateboard ramp he got for Christmas - all by himself! 

So, that's it in a nutshell. I think we are caught up enough now so that I no longer need to feel guilty. YAY!


kathy campbell said...

i am always happy to hear/read about your family...with or without photos (although I agree they are beautiful boyz) So excited for y'all about the store! Have a fantastic time in CA. lots of love from windy Delaware! kfc

Unknown said...

YAY! The Walker Blog is Back! We actually do check it all the time to see what I am missing. Hope you guys have a good time in California. Chris' store opening is the week that I get off for Easter-- we'll have to look into it :)
Richelle & Jamesy